Ghana rice


Our Experience


Ghana Commercialization of Rice Project (G-CORP)


Project Description
The three-year Ghana Commercialization of Rice Project (G-CORP), which is funded by the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, is developing the agricultural sector in Ghana’s Volta and Northern regions to benefit local farmers and agribusinesses. It strengthens the delivery channels of critical inputs and services to increase the efficiency, productivity and incomes for small-scale rice farmers by linking them to the large food producer GADCO. G-CORP reaches these rice farmers—who live in rural areas and have not in the past had access to major markets—by working through a network of community-level product aggregators. These aggregators will deliver high-quality inputs (seed, fertilizer and crop protection) as well as agricultural extension and product services to the small-scale farmers. GADCO will be the buyer for the rice and will continue the project’s work as long-term technical assistance provider to the network after the end of the project, thus ensuring sustainability of the efforts.


Project Approach
Working with rice farmers in the target regions, G-CORP collaborates with other programs and private sector companies to implement two interlinked activities that will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of extension services and product aggregation. With these allies, G-CORP will improve the management capacity of 40 aggregators. The result will be improved services provided to 10,000 smallholder farmers and reduced transaction costs for the rice value chain actors through the use of appropriate mobile money technology.  


Impact and Accomplishments
Through the network, G-CORP will increase productivity and revenue for smallholder rice farmers by reducing harvest and post-harvest losses and increasing access to competitive prices from commercial rice mills. The project’s activities will result in:

  • 10,000 smallholder producers selling rice through aggregators to GADCO and/or other millers
  • 40 aggregator/nucleus farmers certified and selling to millers
  • 20,000 MT additional rice processed and sold on an annual basis by the project’s end



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