Our Experience
Wrigley Mint Background Research
Project Background:
It is estimated that 750,000 farmers in India produce 80% of the world’s supply of Mentha arvensis (mint). The majority of these farmers produce on small plots of land – often less than one acre – using very basic traditional mint farming practices.
Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company, a subsidiary of Mars, Incorporated, relies on the mint supply chain in India to provide certain types of mint oil for its gum and mints products. In keeping with the principle of mutuality in their interactions with suppliers and producers, Wrigley is committed to sustainably source mint in India by ensuring sustainable livelihoods for smallholder producers and responsible water usage in the production of mint.
Project Approach:
Since 2014, Wrigley has engaged ASI to conduct research to support Wrigley’s mint purchasing team, inform sustainable sourcing investments in India, and provide strategic design and agricultural extension support for a mint good agricultural practices pilot. ASI is tapping into its network, experience, and on-the-ground knowledge working with smallholder farmers in India to help Wrigley identify opportunities within the mint value chain to ensure reliable sourcing of mint oil and positively impact smallholder families and communities.
Collaboration To Date
- Mint value chain assessment: ASI performed primary and secondary research in Uttar Pradesh to map the mint industry in India, identify key levers in the value chain that impact mint production and smallholder farmers, and present recommendations to Wrigley.
- Living income benchmark: ASI, in partnership with the Sustainable Food Lab, beta tested a methodology for estimating a living income to achieve a decent quality of life for rural, mint-growing households in Uttar Pradesh, India. The study provided important insights into dynamics of mint-growing households, including income sources and crop rotation patterns, gender roles and distribution of labor, and the costs of a nutritious diet as well as other household needs.
- Research and publication of The Good Agricultural Practices Compendium: A compendium of agronomic practices for mint cultivation and distillation was compiled based on consultations with farmers, experts from Central Institute for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP), and private sector companies working at different points in the mint value chain. The compendium is available for download.
- Mint study and trials: The mint study pilot is testing the effectiveness of different agronomic practices, mint varieties, irrigation techniques, and distillation units on the quantity and quality of mint oil produced by smallholders. The goal of the study is to inform the design of a livelihoods program that will promote a combination of agronomic and distillation practices to produce higher quantity and quality of mint yields, improve the socioeconomic condition of mint farmers, and improve water conservation practices.
- Shubh Mint Project: The Shubh Mint project will increase mint oil production and incomes by 50% for 22,000 smallholder farmers over the next five years to ensure their profitability and sustainability of the industry. The project will accomplish this by providing extension support and establishing capable village resource persons who can support mint farmers with production assistance. The project will also continue research to refine and promote GAP for mint cultivation and will assist local enterprises to sustainably supply quality planting material to farmers.
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